Thursday, April 5, 2007

AA 1 week 6

Sample 1

MIKE: Neumann U-87 [condenser]
PATTERN: Figure 8[1]
PROXIMITY: Aimed at 14th fret (30 cent. away.[2]

U-87 fig 8

Sample 2

MIKE: Neumann U-87[condenser]
PATTERN: Cardioid[1]
PROXIMITY: Aimed at rear lower [2]

U-87 Cardioid

Sample 3

MIKE: Neumann KM-84i[condenser]
PATTERN: Cardioid[1]
PROXIMITY: Aimed at soundhole[2]

KM-84i soundhole

Sample 4
MIKE: Neumann KM-84i[condenser]
PATTERN: Cardioid[1]
PROXIMITY: Aimed at back of hand[2]

KM-84i behind hand

Sample 5
MIKE: Rode NT4[condenser]
PATTERN: Cardioid[1]

PROXIMITY: 3-5 cm away from fret 15, aimed at bass and treble.[2]



Even though I don't think my samples were great, I think my miking technique and choice will get better with more experience. During the process of this exercise I also got the chance to work with Freddie May, who has a heap more experience than myself, just sitting there and playing while he made his mike placements etc. taught me so much. The thing that I'll take most from this session with Freddie is how at certain stages he was moving the microphone whilst wearing headphones so he could hear exactly what sound was going into the desk. One point that I forgot to actually do while recording was to activate the high pass filter. Unfortunately I was more concerned with placement an proximity that I forgot all about this feature and was trying to activate post signal being recorded instead of realising that it effects the signal before it gets to the 192. Also big thanks to Darren Slynn who patiently played guitar for all the sample recordings.

Pro Tools edit window showing one stereo track and the rest mono.[3]


[2] Fieldhouse, S. "Audio Arts Lecture week 6" at University of Adelaide 03/04/07

[3]Digidesign. "Pro Tools HD version 7.3.1"


Darren S said...

Hey, Brad. Mike is a person ... mic is the abbreviation of mic-rophone.

Darren S said...

And one rather glaring omission ... there is no reference to the guitar player. Not happy ...