Monday, July 30, 2007

AA 1 Sem 2 week 1

The sound design sample that I submitted in my mind instantly suggests Pink Floyd and Money right from the onset. The form of the sound is made up of a montage of sampled cash registers sounds. It's function instantly identifies the song and the band.

This was actually my second choice of an example of sound design. My first was going to be the sounds of ATM's (automatic tellers), but the fact that these machines have such a boring, limited array of sounds, meant I couldn't be bothered going through the process of recording for so little a result. I thought I'd include this info as I found it amazing that a companies machine that interfaces with people on mass, has no individual aspects of sound design to link it with it's company.

Haines, C. 2007. Lecture "Sound Design week 1" at The University of Adelaide. 24 July.


Wikipedia. 2007. <> Accessed 30 July.