Tuesday, May 8, 2007

CC 1 week 8

This weeks exercise was to use our sample from Orator and edit them using FScape and Soundhack. After editing these samples they were taken in to reason, mapped to the keyboard and then played to create a soundscape.[1]

The samples this week I decided to tweak quite a bit. Some of the effects that I found interesting were 'Voocooder', 'Serialkilla', 'Freqency Modulation', and 'Exciter', all of which were from Fscape [2]. Whilst from Soundhack I used 'Phase Vocoder' and 'Convolution' [3]. Using these effects I experimented and finally came up with the samples to load in to Reason using the NN-19. In the NN-19 I played with the following settings: OMC, the AMP envelope a little, the Filter envelope a little and finally change to a saw tooth wave pattern. [4]

In the performance of the sound scape, one of the samples was reasonably long, I held this key down to hold it throughout most of the piece while trying to play around rhythmically with the same sound a fifth above this. This was the basis of this sound scape with short sections of other sounds that were able to cut through to create different textures.


[1]Haines, C. Lecture "Creative Computing" at University of Adelaide, 03/05/2007

[2]Rutz, H. 2006, 'FScape', http://sourceforge.net/projects/fscape/, 11/01/2007

[3]Erbe, T. 'SoundHack', http://www.soundhack.com/freeware.php, 11/01/2007

[4]Reason, www.Propellerheads.se, 01/05/2007


Darren S said...

Where's my extra-terrestrial bug catcher? Loved it.

Freddie said...

Cool, the mother ship has come to take me home.